Cooper just had his epidural and catheter removed!!! Now he only has an IV and they'll put on a toe monitor when it's bedtime. It's so nice that he's more mobile and has less tubes. Hopefully the oral and IV pain meds will keep him comfortable.
We tried to give him milk, which he only drank a little of, and some applesauce which he loved. But, he either gagged on his pacifier or just threw up quite a while later. Not sure what that means. However, they did reduce his IV fluids so that hopefully he will be more thirsty and want to drink milk later...
We are hopeful we can go home tomorrow, but just have to see how the eating and drinking goes, and what the surgeon says tomorrow...... Home would be the sweetest Christmas gift, as long as Cooper is ready.
Coop celebrating!! |
It feels so good to stretch my legs with no tubes on them!! |
Little video
Look who's standing up in his crib!! |
Whew! That was exhausting! Time for a nap! |
So nice to see little Cooper unhooked (except 1)! He looks so much better. We're sure the eating will get there, I know how hard it is for me to start eating after 24 hours without and he's gone days. He'll be better in no time. The whole fam has been saying prayers and setting our intent for you guys. Kaitlin and nick arrived this evening and love the adorable pics : ) love you - the bakers