Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 2: What a 24 hours it's been!

Wow, it's been a crazy 24 hours. The afternoon of surgery Cooper was relatively settled. Michael stayed with him last night, and about 1am he was very unsettled, so they gave him morphine. That did not go well...he had an adverse reaction and got really restless and itchy. Michael stood by his crib from 2am until I arrived around 8:30am, trying to keep him from pulling the NG tube out of his nose. He was successful until 8am, when Cooper swiped it and pulled it out. :( One of the nurses said Michael was her "hero" for all that he did. The nurses gave Cooper Benadryl, but it didn't do any good. He was miserable from 2am on. The day nurse was more attentive, thankfully. However, the morning was still rough. Right before lunch, Cooper's catheter connection broke... It wasn't repairable, so he had to get a new catheter :( About that time, a new medicine took effect, and Cooper was able to sleep on my lap for a few hours, rousing now and then. Around 4pm, I put him back in his crib and he started crawling around!! He clucked and smiled and even clapped his hands! The best news of all was that so far this afternoon and evening he has passed gas 4 times!! This is a great sign, as it means that his intestines are starting to wake up after surgery. We are hoping tonight Cooper can sleep much better....and Michael, too! Sorry no time for posting pictures yet....

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