Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So, what do the dogs think of all this??

I know some of you out there are wondering how the furry kids are adjusting. Well, they're doing amazingly well!

Blaze loves to try to climb up in the rocking chair next to me when I feed Cooper, and she'd lick him 24/7 if I'd let her (which I don't!).

Joker is the constant guardian, always concerned about Cooper, following us around when we have Cooper and laying at our feet when we feed Cooper. Very sweet :)

Until today I thought Trapper had really convinced himself that there was NO baby in the house ("Nope, haven't seen anything, nah, nah, nah"). However, I took Trapper to the vet today (Cooper was with us) and Trapper planted himself right in front of me, back pressed against my legs with a "nobody's gettin' near MY baby" attitude. It was nice to see Trapper be affectionate (as only Trapper can do). Not sure the vet tech was so impressed, tho ;-)

So, that's the scoop. The dogs are handling the transition like champs!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Homestudy visit

This morning we had our 2nd of 3 required post-placement homestudy visits. Our social worker sends an update report to Florida, which will be used in the finalization hearing in April :)

Everything is going well. Of course, we're anxious for Cooper to start sleeping all night, but that will come...

Kirsta & Michael

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lots of pictures--catching up

I'm finally posting pictures from before our hospital visit (including Christmas), as well as some from the last few days.
Proud Grammy

Uncle Tom

Chi Chi

Tate having fun with Uncle Tom



Tate loves to feed Cooper--for a minute or so :)

Burping the baby like a pro

HI from the "bathtub"

The Valladares visit!


Little peanut--he likes to sleep on his side

Life is good

Auntie Carol, the Wednesday afternoon nanny

Patrick & Aunt Denai

Uncle Per

The lovely Nicole

Uncle Perry finally got a turn :)

The Anshutz visit--yummy breakfast--thanks!

What a good big brother

Kisses on the nose

Ack! A baby shark!

Thumb sucking :)

Cooper now loves to STRETCH

and smile

And smile more 
OK, we're lucky--he smiles and coos A LOT!
I think he's happy to be out of the hospital and away from the needles and
monitors and middle of the night wake-ups to check vitals :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good report from doctor

The pediatric urologist didn't see any indication that Cooper's episode was anything other than an infection. Yay!!

Because Cooper had an infection at such a young age, he is susceptible to another infection in the next few months. Therefore, he will be on a lower dose of antibiotics until he's 6 months old. By then his immune system will be more developed and better able to keep him healthy.

On one hand, antibiotics for that long sounds like a lot to us. On the other hand, we REALLY don't want him to get sick again, so we will follow doctor's orders :)

We will also repeat the ultrasound in 6 months to make sure the kidney looks like it's back to normal.

Kirsta & Michael

Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby coos and smiles

Cooper has started cooing and smiling a lot. SO CUTE!! Tate was past this stage when he came home, so this is a treat. If I get really organized I'll post a video in the next couple of days.

For now, it's time to sleep....

We're off to see the wizard....

The wizard of pediatric urology, that is. Tomorrow we trek to Denver to see what he has to say about the little man. Fingers crossed that he doesn't find anything the docs here overlooked...


Friday, January 20, 2012

Doctor's appt

Cooper had a follow-up appointment today and all looks good! He's up to 9 lbs, 9 oz (he didn't gain any weight until the last day or two during his week-long hospital stay).

He will need to follow up with a pediatric urologist just to make sure there aren't any underlying conditions that might have been missed in the hospital. Otherwise, it's just continue with antibiotics, etc.

We are SO thankful for a weekend at home with everyone here :)

Thanks for all the comments and support! It all helps!!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

First full day home

It was so nice having everyone sleeping under the same roof last night! Cooper is doing well.

Grandma when home this morning (thanks again, Grandma!), so it's just a quiet day with me and mini Cooper. He goes in for a follow up appt tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We are home!

We are so thankful to say we are home!!

We can't say enough good things about the staff at the Children's Hospital at Memorial. Amazingly professional, caring people. Of course, we hope to never see them again :)

Here's the little man in his "going home outfit"--it was more meaningful getting him dressed in his outfit today than when he left the hospital in Florida.

We are going to take a nap now.....

So thankful,
Kirsta & Michael

We get to go home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, we're excited :) Just doing final blood tests, getting prescriptions, and then having PIC line removed. Hopefully we will be out of here by noon and as one nurse said, Cooper will be a "free bird". :)


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He aced the test :)

Cooper's test showed no signs of irregularities in the bladder/kidney connection. Had it been otherwise, treatment would have ranged from daily low-grade antibiotics to surgery. Luckily, all we have to do is wait  for this round of antibiotics to do its job and he should be "good as new".

AND, likely we will get to go home TOMORROW!! He'll go home with oral antibiotics, vitamins, acid reflux medicine, and who knows what else. No doubt we'll have follow up with the doctor, but regardless, we are cautiously optimistic! :)

In the x-ray machine waiting for the test to begin. 

Exhausted post-test

Even more exhausted post-test :)

The tiny couch we've had as a bed for the last 7 nights. Can't say we'll miss it!
Kirsta & Michael

BIG day

Cooper's Cystourethrogtam (VCUG test) (http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/cystourethrogram-16691) is scheduled for 1:30 this afternoon. However, he doesn't seem too concerned:
Little Cooper sleeping
One of Cooper's nurses commented yesterday that he could see in Cooper's eyes that he is an old soul. Maybe that's why he's handling this all so well. He really is a sweet baby. (Of course, he can still cry when he's hungry!) ;-)


Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 6....

Today was a relatively uneventful day, with the exception of a visit from Grammy and the return of big brother, Tatum :) Grammy even brought gluten free, dairy free lasagna and brownies! Yum! Cooper is doing well.

The doc took Cooper off of his IV fluids, which is a good sign--the fewer things he depends on here, the happier everyone is. He slept pretty well last night, though not quite as well as the night before. It's been 48 hours since he had a major spit-up, another good sign. He hasn't gained any weight while here, but hasn't lost any, either. We're all hoping he starts packing on the ounces now that he's off of the IV fluids and as his appetite improves.

Tomorrow is the big test when we'll check on bladder/kidney function and also take another sample to see that (hopefully) the infection has left the bladder.

Otherwise, just so thankful for an amazing nursing staff and doctor. I didn't mention this in an earlier post, but a few days ago we got moved to a MUCH bigger room that actually has a fridge in it for Cooper's formula (and our food, but shhhh...the fridge is only for patient food). ;-) All in all, we couldn't ask for a better hospital experience. Still, hope we get to go home with a healthy baby soon...

Cooper with his new Elmo--thanks, Heather, Eric & Kaden!

Grammy was so happy to hold little Cooper

Grammy and her boys

Brother talk

Tatum is happy to see Cooper after 3 days

Thanks for the legos and clay craft, Heather, Eric & Kaden! Tate had fun with all of them.
I didn't add a picture of Michael & I inhaling the gluten free brownies ;-)

Kirsta & Michael

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cooper Norris, Rock Star

OK, maybe not a rock star, but I have to say almost every doctor, nurse, tech, etc who comes in our room comments about what a handsome, sweet boy Cooper is. One doctor said "This is the fun room." :) Cooper is such a trooper!

Last night he slept 3 hours at a time, almost back to his pre-hospital schedule. Because of the antiobiotics, his stomach has been really upset and he'd been spitting up a lot. However, last night he was able to take twice as much formula at a time as yesterday during the day. And no spitups.

He's doing really well. We're anxious for the tests on Tuesday to get more information.

The little man with his new "headband" to hold his PIC line in place.
We say it makes him look like a 1970s rock star :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy 6-week birthday, Cooper!

Today was a slow day, no big procedures or tests. Trying to figure out what's triggering Cooper's spitups, but other than that nothing exciting. Just watching the Broncos play tonight :)

Here are a few pics:
Big brother with the "I love Cooper" card that he made

The boys


Thanks for all of the support, 
Kirsta & Michael

Friday, January 13, 2012

PIC line is in!

The doctor was able to get the PIC line in. There is a small loop, but he thinks it will naturally straighten out. To be sure, they will do another x-ray tomorrow to double check placement of the line. 

Gettin' lots of love


PIC line from the outside (line goes in to just above his heart)

Post-morphine crash